Move out of survival mode and into a life beyond limits… you pick.


Before you read this blog post, I want you to ask yourself – are you living the life of your dreams?

So many of us sit in the ‘grey zone’, the part of life that we are conditioned to, the one where we are conditioned to not have choices. It’s sad and scary, all at the same time.

Ask yourself – whose beliefs do you actually follow? Are they yours, or what you’ve been conditioned to or chosen to believe? I can tell you with complete certainty, that your mind will attract things into your life to validate any beliefs you have about yourself or the world. Just so you can validate those beliefs so you can stay comfortable and ‘safe’.

Our minds number one purpose is to keep us safe, to help us survive. Back in the caveman day, our survival mode came from if we were getting chased by a sabre-tooth tiger – we chose ‘fight or flight’. So what are we fighting with or running from now? There are no sabre tooth tigers, only worries that we make up ourself or the world in this day has led us to believe – most of which will not happen if we don’t focus on it BUT where focus goes energy flows.

For me, I personally had to make a huge shift in order for me to change my life. I was at a point where I was miserable and looking for happiness in the wrong places. I was in a toxic marriage and was struggling with money. I played the victim. Then one day, I decided I didn’t want to feel like that anymore – so I worked. I worked on my mindset, I worked on business and I start to flourish. My life changed. My finances changed. I got out of my violent marriage and broke through the cycle. The pattern of accepting things that validated my lack of self worth at the time. I learned to love myself. I raised my energy and frequency higher. I was internally happy. I was grateful. Then the man of my dreams just walked into my life when I wasn’t even looking.

With this in mind though  – it is important to be careful and continue with the personal growth, even when we feel like we are peaking. Otherwise it’s dangerous. I will talk about this in a future blog post.

What you look for and think about, you attract. So make a rule with yourself from today. No longer think about what you DON’T want but what you DO want instead. Make your thoughts and words towards your goal, not away from. Forever. This is the most important thing to get started for any new mindset patterns. It takes work. It takes you to be consciously aware and pulling yourself up on it. Your mind is like a muscle. You got to work it in order for it to grow stronger.

New mind patterns = higher energy/frequency = behaviour = results and what you attract.

Decide from today – Do I want to be the victim or do I want to take charge?

Our next course for our pure transformation program is coming up in July 2016. Webinar options for people globally. Book through: *Special discount of $200 until 19th June. Limited places.

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