The not-so-nice ‘C’ words

The two not-so-nice ‘C’ words. The ones that are contributing to shifting our home, health and life to a suffering state.

Clutter and Chaos. All I can say is – Yuck! Even the thought of these words give me an internal physical icky reaction. What is exciting about it though is it is something I KNOW I can clear and move through the cycle of clutter and chaos with ease and grace.

With autumn being a time for shedding, and winter a time for preparing for growth, it is ever so common for us to feel overwhelmed, to over-indulge, to over-work. It’s part of the universal cycle. It is a time when the seeds are planted, get nurtured and work hard under the surface, get shaken up in order to grow. A time when the natural resources of the earth stand the test & stress of winter, to come out stronger and blooming in spring. As a beautiful part of this incredible universe, you too follow the cycle. The difference is, the earth’s resources naturally follow this cycle and KNOW exactly what it is they have to do to not only survive, but more importantly to grow bigger and better. They never doubt their abilities or their existence.

When it gets to winter and the house is in organised chaos and clutter, it’s often a time when our internal resources also shift causing us to feel edgy, frustrated, rushed, anxious, unhappy or even out of control. Take a look around you – does your house, office and sacred spaces match your feelings? I look around my home and see the stressful clutter. I know what it is I need to do and I’m excited! Time to unclutter baby – and it is GREAT for the soul!

Our energy matches our surroundings and our frequency is a magnet for our surroundings. So when we are in a space of clutter and chaos in our surroundings, it is a fact that our internal state would be matching. No wonder we feel icky and messy right? Its often hard to sit back in a state of calm and be internally gracious. A home reflects the people that live in it. So clutter and chaos can often be a sign that there is a deeper issue.

The act of decluttering has a way of generating fresh energy, creating mental and physical space for more clarity and allows you the chance to release some of those negative vibes that you have been holding on to. So take a look at your surroundings and think – what material things am I holding onto that perhaps are a means of me holding onto something else? Often people generate loads of ‘stuff’ in order to feel happy. The truth is the ‘stuff’ is to counteract the internal ‘stuff’ you aren’t willing to shift or change in order to generate true internal happiness. I encourage you to get out there and declutter all your spaces to create a fresh, new vibe.

Whilst I am in the act of decluttering – I like to give myself a massive universal shift, by de-cluttering from the root cause. My mind.

I have many ongoing daily practices, including keeping a gratitude journal, meditation, actively being grateful in looking for the GREAT in life, appreciating the way the universe is working FOR me and what it is trying to teach me. I have some super tools to change my thoughts and emotions to those of beautiful ones instantly as they arise. I watch the language I use to give the universe clear directions. What I do find though, is in Winter some of that wants to go into hibernation. I take it as a time to reset my focus and move through any limiting beliefs or decisions I may have created without even realising. Sometimes, just by de-cluttering my spaces it gives me a huge mental shift. HUGE!

Take a look around you. What can you shed and de-clutter? For a little extra motivation, because giving to others and the world is a huge component in mental and physical fulfilment, try and either donate the goods to a charity or sell them at trash and treasure – opting to donate the money to your favourite charity. That might just be the extra kick you need for the extra feel-good factor. How good does that feel already thinking about it?! It’s giving me the warm and fuzzies putting it on paper too – the perfect winter warmer.

Removing clutter and chaos equals creating clarity and calm. Now those are 3 ‘C’ words that I really LOVE!

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Clutter and Chaos be gone! Give a big warm welcoming hug to creating clarity and calm.

The Art of Fulfilment

Fulfilment. The ultimate in life. Being fulfilled, being alive and living rather than just breathing.

For those of you that practice the teachings of the awesome Anthony Robbins, you would have heard him talk, or read about the art of fulfilment. You see, fulfilment is concept of which can come with a lot of confusion for some. Confusion that can be detrimental to ones happiness.

I remember a few years ago when I had achieved something great. I was doing a lot of personal growth, in turn motivated me to grow my business and I was feeling on top of the world. I grew my business enough to more than double my corporate income, I had earned myself a beautiful brand spanking new white Mercedes Benz after previously driving around in a broken old Ford Falcon in such a condition that it wasn’t worth more than $500. I quit my job, was working my business from home making crazy money, it made my kids happy that I was there for them more often and I had my time freedom back. I set a goal and I had achieved it. After many years of a controlling marriage, I was out and I was free. I had my own stuff, and I had earned every single bit of it myself. I then met the love of life, my true life partner. I was happy.

What I didn’t realise at the time was that there is a HUGE difference between achievement and fulfilment. As months went on, I started to get itchy feet. I had slowed right down on the personal growth and even just let my business cruise by. I had feelings of confusion and overwhelm. My head started to worry about the future. I let my happiness dwindle, even though I had all this wonderful ‘stuff’, a wonderful family and a beautiful, amazing loving partner. I had achieved my goal, so I should be fulfilled right? Wrong.

I heard about a course from a friend – one that would offer me qualifications to teach people how to control their minds before it controlled them. I decided to jump in. At the time, my reason for jumping in was so I could help my beautiful business tribe achieve their goals like I had. I always wanted to give to others, so I was always open to learning more and more about personal growth. What I didn’t realise, was that the universe put this opportunity in front of me for a VERY different reason. Throughout the duration of the course, I started to realise where I had gone wrong. I had many ‘aha’ moments. One in particular that hit me, right when I needed it. I had confused achievement with fulfilment, and my goals with that of my family’s goals. I was just breathing. I hadn’t truly asked myself, for myself (which is the extremely important) the big question – “What next for ME?”

You see, what I realised was that I was living my life based solely on achievement. My children really wanted me to be there for them before and after school and I had achieved that for them. I wanted a certain pin position in my business and I had gotten there. I wanted my own stuff, my own home, my own time and I had it. But I wasn’t fulfilled. You see, fulfilment is something entirely different and ultimately, what life is all about. I knew in that moment that I had made the mistake of stopping my growth. You see, the unconscious mind is ALWAYS seeking more. Always. It’s always asking – what next? Throughout the course I knew where I wanted to be. And it was to change the world – one person at a time. A bold statement – but one that I truly believe in. At this point, this is where I started Liberate You – teaching people how to manifest a life beyond limits.

Fulfilment is an ongoing process  – one that comes from continuously growing and constantly breaking through each upper limit barrier that the mind has to offer. Fulfilment also comes from giving to others – and coming from a place of love. Fulfilment is living each day with gratitude, growth and experiencing life. You see, life isn’t about ‘stuff’. We have seen too many times people that our children look up to and want to be like – end their life in an instant. Why would they do such a thing and how could they not be happy when they had all this wonderful ‘stuff’ and had achieved so much? It’s the lack of fulfilment. It’s living each day from a fear mentality, not one that is abundant with love. This, in turn, lowers our human vibration and attracts into our lives things that makes us feel sad, overwhelmed and anxious – all of which can be deadly. The more that fear breeds in our mind, the more we see the bad things and the toxic cycle continues.

Fulfilment comes from a place of complete internal happiness. Fulfilment is different for each and every human being. Fulfilment comes from being true to your true self, your core rather than fitting in with what society deems that people should be. Fulfilment comes from living. Each and every day. Fulfilment comes from experiences. Fulfilment comes from giving. Fulfilment comes from constantly growing. There are no limits. After all, none of us are getting out of here alive, so we may as well live our life with purpose, passion, gratitude, love and freedom.

Are you living a life of fulfilment? Or are you just breathing? I encourage you to practice the art of fulfilment, each and every day. The door is wide open.

Blair Name

Register now for our early bird discount in our transformation program.

Move out of survival mode and into a life beyond limits… you pick.


Before you read this blog post, I want you to ask yourself – are you living the life of your dreams?

So many of us sit in the ‘grey zone’, the part of life that we are conditioned to, the one where we are conditioned to not have choices. It’s sad and scary, all at the same time.

Ask yourself – whose beliefs do you actually follow? Are they yours, or what you’ve been conditioned to or chosen to believe? I can tell you with complete certainty, that your mind will attract things into your life to validate any beliefs you have about yourself or the world. Just so you can validate those beliefs so you can stay comfortable and ‘safe’.

Our minds number one purpose is to keep us safe, to help us survive. Back in the caveman day, our survival mode came from if we were getting chased by a sabre-tooth tiger – we chose ‘fight or flight’. So what are we fighting with or running from now? There are no sabre tooth tigers, only worries that we make up ourself or the world in this day has led us to believe – most of which will not happen if we don’t focus on it BUT where focus goes energy flows.

For me, I personally had to make a huge shift in order for me to change my life. I was at a point where I was miserable and looking for happiness in the wrong places. I was in a toxic marriage and was struggling with money. I played the victim. Then one day, I decided I didn’t want to feel like that anymore – so I worked. I worked on my mindset, I worked on business and I start to flourish. My life changed. My finances changed. I got out of my violent marriage and broke through the cycle. The pattern of accepting things that validated my lack of self worth at the time. I learned to love myself. I raised my energy and frequency higher. I was internally happy. I was grateful. Then the man of my dreams just walked into my life when I wasn’t even looking.

With this in mind though  – it is important to be careful and continue with the personal growth, even when we feel like we are peaking. Otherwise it’s dangerous. I will talk about this in a future blog post.

What you look for and think about, you attract. So make a rule with yourself from today. No longer think about what you DON’T want but what you DO want instead. Make your thoughts and words towards your goal, not away from. Forever. This is the most important thing to get started for any new mindset patterns. It takes work. It takes you to be consciously aware and pulling yourself up on it. Your mind is like a muscle. You got to work it in order for it to grow stronger.

New mind patterns = higher energy/frequency = behaviour = results and what you attract.

Decide from today – Do I want to be the victim or do I want to take charge?

Our next course for our pure transformation program is coming up in July 2016. Webinar options for people globally. Book through: *Special discount of $200 until 19th June. Limited places.

What you think about you bring about.

Have you ever heard the saying ‘What you think about you bring about’?

Let me explain what this saying really means.

Think Sir Richard Branson – what makes him so unique is that he has been able to become one of the most successful business magnets, through his thought processes and actions.

As a child, Sir Richard Branson was dyslexic, a high school dropout and nearly a school failure during his time there. Very few recognised his greatness. At the age of 16, Sir Richard Branson dropped out of high school to start ‘The Student Magazine’. Less than 5 years thereafter he established Virgin Records. Today, his Virgin Group holds more than 200 companies.

Some people would say Sir Richard Branson would have to have been ‘smart’ or even ‘lucky’ to have gotten where he is today. Let’s think about this for just a moment. If we were to cut open his brain – would it look different to any other? Or just like any other human brain, would we merely see a mass of tissue, nerves and veins? The answer is the latter.

Our brain is much like a computer hard drive – they are all merely a structure and we can’t see the brilliance of them until they are ‘switched on’ with the wiring is so great that it has the ability to control the computer system, or human body in a positive way. The only difference between you and Sir Richard Branson is the thought processes that goes on between your own two ears. Every result starts with a thought. A thought, leads to your attitude which leads to your choices, leading to your actions which leads to your results.

So, the next time you hear yourself say “I can’t”, “I’m too busy”, “I don’t have the time, money, capability etc” –  stop yourself in your tracks right then and there. Your brain only believes the thoughts that you tell it and you will then manifest anything and everything through the law of attraction to validate your positioning on yourself. Whether you think you can or think that you can’t – you’re right.

To transform your thought processes and transform your life, sign up for our transformation program – early bird offer ends 23rd March 2016.

Canberra face to face (commences 20 April 2016) –

Worldwide online webinar (commences 26th April 2016) –

“Do not be embarrassed by your failures, learn from them and start again”-Richard Branson

The secret to living beyond limits –

Thank you Her Canberra for this little write up!

Personal and business coach Blair Kelly believes everyone could potentially be the next Richard Branson – it’s just a matter of changing the way you think. “The way we think is due to what we’re brought up to believe, or the beliefs we consciously or unconsciously choose to take on ourselves,” Blair says. “Everything you …

Source: The secret to living beyond limits –

Perception is Projection

Perception is Projection.

Have you ever thought of something out of the midst of nowhere and then followed that thought with a thought of “where did that come from?”.
This is coming from the big guns, the place where all the magic happens, the place where our patterns, habits, programs beliefs are located. This is coming from your unconcsious mind, which by the way is over 90% of your brain activity. Every opinion, belief, event that is stored in our unconscious mind is a magnet for what you attract in your life. Yes, it is. Why so? 

Firstly, the frequency your energy is at is the frequency you get back. Its like a radio station – whatever the station number, you get back the radio station to match it.

Secondly, your unconscious mind has a purpose – to keep you safe. Therefore, whatever beliefs you have hiding in the darkness, the safe, the lock away – your brain will attract it to keep you safe from change. For the unconscious brain, a change can be a danger – so it attempts to pull you back into the neural pathways you’ve created in order to keep you ‘safe’.

How about we change those pathways? And change them well and good! We created the ones that are already there, so we can certainly create newer, more desired ones that’s for certain!

Are you ready for change?


Psssssttt… Sneaky secret – you only see what your conscious mind wants you to see. Perception is Projection.

Contact me today for your Personal Session!

What’s your Intention for the day?

Start your day with purpose

How would you like to re-create positive emotions & experiences DAILY and ON PURPOSE?

Wouldn’t it be useful if you could just step into a positive emotion, a level of confidence, power, happiness in a split second?

A little Science behind it:

Our brain itself is just made up of cells, neural pathways and matter – if we were to look inside the physicality of the brain, there is not much to see. The mind though – well thats a different thing! Think of it like a computer hard drive – the actual hard drive itself is not much to look at but the information stored in there is MAGIC. We can’t actually see the information by looking at the physical hard drive, we have to access the information instead. That is how our mind works – the brain is the physical component whilst the mind stores information, memories, feelings, pictures, emotions… Our mind is where our thoughts come from and our thoughts are ALWAYS made up of some of all of the following: Words, Pictures, Feelings, Tastes or Smell. Try to think and not include the above. See, you can’t can you? Well what you CAN do is use this to your advantage.

You see, much like you can access information off a computer at any time, you can also access any feeling, any emotion at ANY TIME and choose to feel it now. Right now. You can also delete and information – any thoughts that no longer serve you.

There are MANY amazing NLP techniques that can help you change your state in an absolute instant. If you could change your state in an instant, what would that do for you?

At Liberate You, we LOVE to help you manifest all your desires. We ADORE showing you all the tools to start your day with intention.

It’s time for your life to truly begin.